A film addressing ageism and its impact on individuals and society.

We cannot recommend this documentary enough - it's a powerful testament to the incredible impact of art and film in combating ageism. Through the perspectives of activists and everyday individuals, it sheds light on the insidious ways that ageism pervades our society and the devastating impact it can have on individuals and communities.

But this isn't just a call to action - it's a roadmap for change. The documentary lays out the stages of activism, offering a blueprint for how we can all work together to combat ageism and build a more equitable and just society for all ages.

The hope is that more and more people will join this conversation and we for one ( or two) agree!

Watch it here.

Read more about it here. Golden: The End of Ageism, a TELUS original documentary, explores the latest frontier in human rights.

Twinquiry: Have you experienced ageism and how did you deal with it? Tell us your story here.


What we can learn from grandmothers.


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